HELP Camera on Nexus 7 FHD wont work


Dec 11, 2012
Ok, I know that the camera isn't something I would use regularly on a tablet but it still bothers me that it isn't working.

So i got this tablet brand new from for Festivus, worked great out of the box and still is working great in every way besides the camera. And when I say wont work I mean it wont work at all. I open up the camera app and it says "failed to open camera" and "cannot connect to camera". I have opened up the apps in the settings disabled and re-enabled, cleared memory, and still no luck. HELP ME
I had a similar problem on my Nexus 7 (2012), it occurred after the JB 4.3 update. I did the following in order, hopefully one will do the trick for you.

- Download a camera app from Play store just to know if the problem is with your camera lens or just a software bug in the OS itself
- Do a device reset, it will wipe everything clean so make sure you have a backup
- Re-download and install your latest firmware

Hope this works.