Help choosing earbuds.


Aug 8, 2013

I wanted to ask, what is the best earbuds for listening music. I've red some reviews of Razer Hammerhead but their mid and high's are somewhat taken over by bass. So, is there any better earbuds, who are balanced? Price range 50-100$, but can go bit higher if they're better.
Hey bro.

Man aren't we all concerned what we insert into our ears xD

I think i can help, atm i'm on the Razer Hammerhead pro(listening with them as we speak), and I will never change again. I know about the new model of Razer Adaro which is solely concentrated on true music output.

I must add on the HammerPro, regarding the base, its not overwhelming, or, only base, it picks up the smallest of background instruments, ( I'm listening to Hillsong Empire, and they have a lot of low frequency waves in the background). and its really comfy.

Before I had the JBL, I9 something shit that i will never ever wear again. The product has non forming foam buds and its heavy in the wire so it pulls out of your ear automatically. Razer did really well in designing the buds. I have researched before I bought but the rest that pulls attention was a ridiculous price of like 150$ or something silly like that.

Between the Adaro and Pro, is the Ohm resistance.( so less chance of hearing electricity buzz) and the adaro has a 10mm driver and 9mm for pro. so the adaro will deliver and even better audio quality. (79 for adaro 69 for pro).

Please don't even consider beats or skull or whatsoever. Have a look at those device and pay attention to the audio hz to khz it cant push out.

If you want to compare use Panasonic or, Bose, have a look at
so see the makes that actually have researchers on this devices.

Good luck.

They are ear buds, with a standard connector. Why do you think they wouldn't work with an android device?


Thanks for the recommendation. Kinda hard to choose because Adora and Pro are kinda the same but again Hammerhead has those mids and highs as I red "depleted" by bass and you won't hear those. Adora again has the same issue...

As it say's here:

Does the SE112m+ work with Android phones?
Sorry, no. Phones that operate on the Android OS do not contain the chip that can communicate...

OK, yes. All the fancy remote functions are apparently Apple specific. I'd bet that the actual 'phones work though.