Help: Question about Old Desktop


Jun 11, 2016
Hello! I newly clean installed a windows xp sp3 on a desktop I've been working on for quite a while, yes, windows xp, we have no other option the pc is kind of old, (2003-ish?).

Anyway, it's a desktop that has communication needs. I need options, any suggestions?

We've tried installing skype, like the latest available in skype's website.

When we installed it and launched it, it asks for my skype name, in times new roman, as if basic html was running in a window of skype, once we enter the skype name and press enter, it asked, "Would you like to upgrade your browser", then it just moves on and asks for a microsoft account which i dont have and know that it doesnt need it. question: will downloading an older version of skype work? If so, what version?

We also tried Yahoo Messenger, we've tried to install the old versions of it, although, it doesn't wanna work, as in the error is something about connection and trust me, there is internet connection. Question: Do you guys have a yahoo messenger installed in a windows xp desktop? If so, what version?

Last question: Any other communication softwares that will run fine as long as it works on the pc?

- We cannot install versions beyond windows xp for its limited resources or specifications.
- It would be such a waste if we dispose and just buy a new one.

If there are any more needed clarifications, you may ask.

Thank you!!

Hmm, it's not the most user-friendly chat i've ever used, it's very very straightforward it may be a little too difficult for some people of age, :/

I've used facebook live chat once, it was laggy but it worked, it may be your choice if you can make chrome/flash run properly the Windows XP

Tyvm, although, we are going to use to contact a grandparent abroad, would it be user friendly for them? if not, do you think Facebook voice and video chat would work just fine on a windows xp chrome browser? I haven't given it a try just asking if you would know.
Hmm, it's not the most user-friendly chat i've ever used, it's very very straightforward it may be a little too difficult for some people of age, :/

I've used facebook live chat once, it was laggy but it worked, it may be your choice if you can make chrome/flash run properly the Windows XP

So you've used it in windows xp? this is also service pack 3 right? we've newly upgraded from service pack 2 and it barely worked for service pack 2.

will give it a try! thanks!