Hi, I need to connect my VCR into my new HD tv, but the problem is the red, white and yellow RCA cables on my TV are picture o


Apr 19, 2016
So I need to connect my VCR to my HD tv. No sound through AV. So I bought an AV to HDMI converter but there is no color, my videos play in black and white. I have no idea what to do or how to fix these problems. I'm so frustrated and stressed out. I need help. I have hundreds of VHS tapes I need to be able to watch so I need to figure this out and I'm so upset. Please help if you can. Thank you.

I don't know how that will help....but it's a Scepter model X40.

No. There is only one red/white/yellow set and everything I plug in there has no sound. There isn't another set. You must have the wrong manual.

Yes, everything I have connected has no audio. I contacted the TV customer service and they have no idea why the ports are not working, they cannot help me. That's why I bought the AV2HDMI converter but somehow the video must not be converting right because everything is in black and white, no color. I need help with this, I must get my VCR working properly as soon as possible. I'm so upset and frustrated over this, it's been months and no one can help me. I wish it wasn't too late, or else I'd just return my new tv and go back to my 20-year-old tube analog tv. This is a nightmare.
If NOTHING you connect has audio, then there is a problem with the TV and it should be fixed under warranty. I don't know what else anybody on the internet can recommend.

The cheap av to HDMI converters have spotty reviews. It is possible you got a bad one. This one -- https://www.amazon.com/Definition-Composite-Converter-Support-Upscaler/dp/B015MSBNZA/ref=pd_lpo_23_tr_t_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=YM8PRXGW1MCYXJ2KYNJ3 has more positive reviews than most.

Have you tried your existing AV2HDMI adapter on another TV to see if the results are consistent? Maybe you got a TV that is a lemon..

It's possible it's the TV. It was very cheap and a generic brand. I have the warranty papers somewhere....this is the only TV with HDMI in the house so I can't test the converter, but maybe I will try a better quality one, the one I bought was very cheap, only $7. Thank you.

I don't have any friends I can bring it to. Everyone I know lives out of state. I just requested a refund for the cheap converter, and I'm looking for my TV's warranty papers. Can't find them....I'm desperate to figure this out.
Does another HDMI connection work with color and audio ?

You haven't left any options..... No other TV. No friend's TV. All RCA inputs fail with no audio. You either need to get your TV fixed, get a different TV or a different converter. I don't see a simple option.

All the other HDMI ports work fine, I have my DISH box, Blu-ray and DVD hooked up. It's just the RCA ports that have no audio. Yeah, I'm not sure what to do. If I find my warranty papers I hope they can fix or replace the TV for free because I don't have any money and I'll have to wait a long time to save up any money for a better converter, that's why I got such a cheap one, I couldn't afford the more expensive ones. I have no money right now.