High pitched buzzing noise and no picture coming from our Samsung


Oct 19, 2011
We have a Samsung LN40A550 LCD television that we bought about 2 and 1/2 years ago. Last night it started making this high pitched alarm or buzzing noise that is so loud you have to jump to unplug the t.v. before your ears get damaged. There was green vertical lines running across the picture but now there is nothing but a blackness. Has anyone else had this problem and is this connected to bad capacitors? We have a repairman that Samsung has called to come out and look at our televison but if it is not something that is due to bad capicators then we are responsible for the bill. Wanting to get any information I can before this. Paid alot of money for the t.v. and very disappointed to say the least. Any help would be very appreciated. I'm not very technically literate so could use some guidance. Thanks so much! Ellen

I had the exact same problem...did you ever figure out what happened, if so I would love to know??

Exact same vertical green lines and deafening high-pitch scream on my LN40A550 but only when it first turns on. Screen & screemblasts about 10-15 seconds - then, tv turns itself off and back on. Usually is ok after furst reboor but sometimes reboots itself 3 times before it turns on cirrectly. Looking for solution.
This is exactly what's happe to our Samsung Plasma. We thought it was the cable box but replaced it and the same problem is occurring again. Did anyone figure out what it is? Thank you! Catherine