Higher FSB=higher temp?



I'm going to get a 1ghz thunderbird soon (200 FSB). So i'm going to unlock it and raise the FSB to 133(266) and lower the multiplyer to 7.5. This will give 997mhz. Would it run hotter with 133x7.5 than it would at 100x10? Also, I was thinking to maybe put it at 133x8 to get 1064, so how much would the 64 extra mhz effect the temp, if any at all.


None on the processor, perhaps the chipset a bit...Wouldn't worry.


I have not noticed an increase in temp, but a decrease in temp by 1C to 2C. I have noticed a hotter chipset at 133mhz, but the CPU runs about the same. Infact, I think maybe it was TOM that noticed that the KT133 chipset could run without the fan on the chipset heatsink, but the KT133A running at 133mhz needed the fan or the computer would lock up after running for an extended period of time. I think the CPU ran cooler due to a wider bus width, reducing the time it takes to get info in and out of the memory and CPU, therefore lowering temps a little by less CPU utilization. Could be my imagination, but something has to be going on to see a drop in temp.