so i have a 5.1 surround blue ray system, wired to my tv via fiber optic cable. all speakers are working, but both my pc and ps4 think i only have a 2 channel system (maybe the tv converts it to 2 channels? but why is the only good option to connect my tv to my surround sound system?) I have tried to find a fiber optic adapter to 1 fiber optic and 1 aux, so i can at least plug my ps4 directly and plug the aux into my pc (which i assume will be 2 channels again? but at least the surround sound is working for the ps4) this has been puzzling me for months now, and id really like to find a solution. thanks! also, my pc does not have a fiber optic or coax output, so aux seems to be the only way to go in order to get a direct connection.