Hi guys, i have a big problem and i cant solve this. I need help to solve My problem.
I was uptade My bios on the bios settings with usb flash disk. After, Update is completed and My notebook was restarted. Then, My laptops are doesn't opened. So, it was working, fans are rotate but System cant opened. I can see only black screen.. Windows cant started or opened.
How can ı reset My bios? I dont have bios battery or jumper on the motherboard. My notebook model is: Asus X505BP BR019
Sory for My bad english and spelling. My keyboard are very bad. Thanks for reading and support of me.
I was uptade My bios on the bios settings with usb flash disk. After, Update is completed and My notebook was restarted. Then, My laptops are doesn't opened. So, it was working, fans are rotate but System cant opened. I can see only black screen.. Windows cant started or opened.
How can ı reset My bios? I dont have bios battery or jumper on the motherboard. My notebook model is: Asus X505BP BR019
Sory for My bad english and spelling. My keyboard are very bad. Thanks for reading and support of me.