How can i connect my pc my tv and my dvd player to my home theatre philips mx d7500? My samsung led have hdmi and rca

Can't find any info one your home theater system.
You can't use a passive cable to convert HDMI to av. It would need to powered. Some look like cables but use the 5v on the HDMI lead to power them.
If your DVD and PC have HDMI then connect them to the TV with that.
Connect the audio output of the TV to the Philips HTS. If the TV and HTS have optical audio out and in use that as your first choice. If the TV has an RCA or headphone audio out and the HTS has an analog aux input then use that as your second choice. If the TV only has optical and the HTS only has analog you will need a DAC to convert digital optical audio to RCA analog audio.

My HTS philips mx5700d had only red yellow white aux in and tv samsung ue40j5200 have only optic and hdmi ..and it has red yellow and white but its only doesnt have an out aux..what should i do? There is no jack for headset..