How can I rip a DVD-ROM? What software should I use?

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Jul 8, 2012
I bought a book for self-teaching piano that came with a dvd-rom disc with .wma audio and .wmv video files for all the exercises in the book and it said you could rip it with a media player to play the files with an mp3 player while practicing, store the videos on a hard drive etc.

I can't figure out how to rip the files. I tried copy and paste but the files don't work after that. I managed to create an iso with imgburn and I can play the files if I mount it to daemon tools but if I try extract from the iso they don't work.
.wma, .wmv are Microsfot-proprietary audio and video formats. If you can copy files off the DVD, then you need a program to convert these into .mp3 and whatever video format your player supports (Handbrake is good tool for that)

you can rip movies with programs like convertx to dvd .. hope i helped you can google that program and install it.. have fun
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