How can i update Samsung Star firmware to Android?


Jul 20, 2011
Hi! I'm using a Samsung Star GT S5233W.

I already successfully updated the firmware to a GT S5230W.
But... i saw some YouTube videos of some of these phones with android OS updated (same as original Android, with 7 homescreens).
I tried all the places i could, except here.

Can anyone help me out with this thing? How to do it? Step-by-step...... Pleeeez!!!!

Thanksss! :)

yes i realize the link refers to windows mobile phones. however, it appears that what i said is true. yes it appears that you might be able to install android OS to a non-android device but you will need the correct android base files to do so. it doesnt appear like many phones are supported and the process is most likely a bit complicated.

the following is pure speculation on my part: i believe that android (as 3rd party rom or manufacturer rom) that is ported to a particular device has certain modifications to make it play nice with the hardware. i suppose we could think of it like basic drivers on a windows machine, the difference being if windows...
you said you updated the software on your 30W. are you absolutely sure that samsung has released a new version for the 33W? if so wouldnt upgrade instructions be on their website? i would check there first to verify and read any instructions they give you.

keep in mind that alot of people root their android phones and run custom roms. such roms are not always "different" or "fancy" looking. quite a few might look almost like stock android except with a few tweaks like more homescreens.

if the phone is not rooted you can still get 7 homescreens by replacing the homescreen launcher with something like launcherpro, golauncherex or adwlauncher. this might also be what you saw.

unless the youtube video showed the "about" screen as well as all the pertinent information its hard to verify that what is shown is what you think it is. there are alot of videos on youtube showing off "mods" and "roms".
Thaaanks so much!

But my phone's original OS is not Android. It's "Proprietary".

So..... Do you know exactly how to update my (Samsung Star) Proprietary firmware into a Android?

Or any links.... :)

yes i realize the link refers to windows mobile phones. however, it appears that what i said is true. yes it appears that you might be able to install android OS to a non-android device but you will need the correct android base files to do so. it doesnt appear like many phones are supported and the process is most likely a bit complicated.

the following is pure speculation on my part: i believe that android (as 3rd party rom or manufacturer rom) that is ported to a particular device has certain modifications to make it play nice with the hardware. i suppose we could think of it like basic drivers on a windows machine, the difference being if windows was made to run on one particular set of hardware and required a rewrite to work on any other hardware.

since you said you saw android on your particular device there must be a forum or website out there with pertinent information. perhaps the creator of the video can be contacted and asked where to find this information. keep in mind that it most likely will not be an easy venture and has a heavy risk of bricking your phone. i say this because i'm thinking that pretty much all data on the phone would need to be completely wiped (to clear the old os). you would have to track down the source website/forum/person as i said earlier to get details.

honestly it would be better/easier to trade your phone in to your provider for cash off your next phone and then to buy a pre-owned (refurbished) android phone to play with. even if you get an older single core version you can root/rom it to run 2.3 gingerbread. rooting and roming an android phone nowdays is fairly painless and runs a fairly low risk of causing permanent harm to the phone (unless you do not follow directions!). some providers offer up to $100 (i know vzw does) for a used phone and some android phones refurbished are as low as $150 with 2 year (vzw) and $300 with no plan. i'm not sure what your particular provider offers.
