It depends on the version of Android you're running as to whether you can move anything related to the system, leaving only your own personal files - music, photos.
If you have Android 6 or better, you need to decide whether to use the SdCard as Internal Storage or Portable Storage. It's a once only decision that can't be reversed but it's worth knowing that some Apps can;t operate outside of the system/app folder.
You can move personal files using your file manager and it's a good time to back them on your PC at the same time. Connect by USB and the phone should show up in Windows File Explorer and you can copy and paste them into folders of your choice. Once you've done that, you can delete them from the internal storage on the phone by using Windows. Finally, you copy the files again and this time, target the SdCard which will have been given a separate drive letter.
Job done and backed up.