How do I open my blocked Hotmail account?

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Aug 17, 2011
i am carl jovanovich i have had; my mail add; for 10 year's more., i have recently been blocked, mess; said; i entered wrong pass word. i dont beleive i did that. i have opened a new acc; nearly the same as my blocked acc; my blocked e-mail add; is as my new acc; has #2 after the loveit portion. i have sent many. mails to your acc; dep; i had my freind also; send mail from his p/c. this is the most common p/c i have used in the last 5 years. i have filled out your form at least 2 times i have had 2 reply's 1 of them was from name; kiran. nohting has been resolved. i am presently in asia; i have sent my tele#; from here, i have also; given you my 2 son'a tele has been about 2-3 week's that i cant enter my e-mail. please please, resolve my problem thank you carl
You could get more help if more clear about your problem 😛

anyway i assume you cant access your hotmail account?

if you don't remember your password, you could try the Forget your Password Form
in here

in there you can choose different process to recover your email

1. Email the reset password link to alternative email
2. Send a code to your mobile phone
3. Customer Support, It will take you to our validation process where you will be asked a number of questions about your account to prove your ownership.
You could get more help if more clear about your problem 😛

anyway i assume you cant access your hotmail account?

if you don't remember your password, you could try the Forget your Password Form
in here

in there you can choose different process to recover your email

1. Email the reset password link to alternative email
2. Send a code to your mobile phone
3. Customer Support, It will take you to our validation process where you will be asked a number of questions about your account to prove your ownership.
hello; thank you for trying to help.
i have tryed alll the for got password. reset password. they keep asking me qwestions about where and when i opened my acc; it has been 10 years more,. i dont remeber as; i was traveling a great deal,. can anyone help please
i cant beleive, microsoft does not have a person. directly that i can talk to, or mail. totally'; unbeleivable, it seems' they want to punish me. for something. i simply need all my contacts returned to me,. thank you
i think; they must feel, that i am not who i am. i will be agreeable to send copy of my passport,.
this process works' all around the world. it should be axceptable to micro soft. i also; would like a 1=800 tele # thank you carl

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