How do I reinstate the Menu (3 vertical dots)? It's gone and Google Chrome Beta didn't include them.


Sep 28, 2016
I have what I think is a super-duper DELL Desktop (it's not clogged as I use it only for surfing, no gaming) running Windows 8.1, 64-bit, and lately my only browser Google Chrome has been a pain. Almost every day I have to bring up my Bookmarks Bar using the 3 vertical dots (Menu), I have to import my extensions. I don't know what's going on with Google but it's become irritating. I don't want to unleash Windows Explorer as I don't want to retrograde. No one seems to know what to do to bring back the 3 dots and today I was offered Google Chrome Beta and I took it thinking that doing so would also include the 3 dots. NOT!

Does anyone worth his or her salt know a solution to fixing my problems?
I don't need your help, I found the Menu! Up until yesterday (I think), the Menu was the 3 vertical dots. In reading some of the members' answers one mentioned an orange circle and I looked and there is an orange circle next to my last extension. I clicked on it and the Menu appeared. It's typical of Google to make changes without any notifications. They messed with Images and that stupid action pissed off millions and now the feature is back. When are the Google geniuses going to realize that if it's not broken, DON'T FIX IT!
I don't need your help, I found the Menu! Up until yesterday (I think), the Menu was the 3 vertical dots. In reading some of the members' answers one mentioned an orange circle and I looked and there is an orange circle next to my last extension. I clicked on it and the Menu appeared. It's typical of Google to make changes without any notifications. They messed with Images and that stupid action pissed off millions and now the feature is back. When are the Google geniuses going to realize that if it's not broken, DON'T FIX IT!
Changing the menu icon is usually to alert you to something that needs your attention, like a pending chrome upgrade or an extension that's having an issue or needs permission to do something. I think that type of alert is now used in FireFox and Microsoft Edge as well (and variants of it through both major phone OSes). It's intended to draw your attention to it as most users probably rarely actually click the menu button - on that note, have you...considered just clicking "Show the bookmarks bar"? It's right next to the button you must be manually going to every time. I'm also not sure what you mean by having to import your extensions, but it makes me suspect you're doing some other things wonky as well. While I'm at it I'd also caution against having an excessive number of extensions, which may be part of why you didn't notice the orange circle.

Speaking of which, why stick with Chrome? You could try a different browser if so annoyed.
I added my reply to my post yesterday saying that someone mentioned an orange circle with an exclamation mark (I think) in place of the 3 vertical dots and, sure enough, I had that circle. When I put the cursor on it, it said "Customize and control Google Chrome" and mentioning a Chrome update. When I clicked on the circle the menu dropped down but nowhere was an update included. Anyway, I was happy to find the menu and went on my business. Today, the 14th, the 3 dots are back so I don't know what happened behind the scenes. I have only 5 extensions: Logitech Smooth Scrolling for my Logitech keyboard and trackball; Ebates; Bring Google View Image Back; uBlock Plus Adblocker; Hover Zoom.

Various times during surfing when I want to use Hover Zoom and it doesn't work I look at the extensions and they're gone! So I go to the Chrome Store, add Hover Zoom and with it come the other extensions. Also on my Logitech keyboard I have a zoom button and a few times a day it doesn't work and I have to go to the Settings and activate the zoom feature. I don't have any issues with my desktop, it's Google and Dell that are problematic. And I would never consider not using Google Chrome, it's the only game in town.