How to do a Factory Reset on my Dell Inspiron 15r 5537 Windows 8.1 (Came with Windows 8)


Jun 25, 2015

I want to reset my Inspiron 15R 5537 with windows 8.1, back to how it was when I first bought it a little over a year ago. I do not wish to backup my files. I want all my files erased and I will just start fresh. I want it to be restored to the Windows 8 when I first opened my package. What steps do I take? My Inspiron did not come with any disks so I assume the factory image reset includes the Windows 8 that was on the computer when I bought it. Again, what steps do I take to set my PC like when I took it out of the box?

I am not the most computer savvy person in the world so detailed instructions would probably be best.

My laptop was from Dell by the way and I assume I will be using Dell Backup & Recovery. I just don't know how. I was following this tutorial: ,....but I don't have the reinstall disk option tile in my Dell Backup & Recovery so how do I make a copy of my factory image and the programs/apps that were pre-installed on my laptop when I took it out of the box?

Again, I am not too computer literate so please list in step-by-step format.

Any help will be appreciated. Thank you!

with all windows 8 its the same so that makes it easy, slide to the right and open the charms menu

scroll down to settings and click it

choose change pc settings

then choose update and recovery and within that tab choose recovery

choose remove everything and reinstall windows.

somewhere after you click that there will be 2 options, do not choose recycle my pc or whatever because then it will delete EVERYTHING and your computer will no longer start up or be able to be used by anyone
with all windows 8 its the same so that makes it easy, slide to the right and open the charms menu

scroll down to settings and click it

choose change pc settings

then choose update and recovery and within that tab choose recovery

choose remove everything and reinstall windows.

somewhere after you click that there will be 2 options, do not choose recycle my pc or whatever because then it will delete EVERYTHING and your computer will no longer start up or be able to be used by anyone

I figured out how to do it and actually with Dell it is a little different. I have to use my Dell Backup & Recovery program and make a backup of the factory image to a USB or DVD disks and then complete the reset.

Thank you.

Well, I would consider yourself lucky. My Dell is about a year and a half old and is literally falling apart. I have no frame covering the side fan-its just hot metal/aluminum exposed, my screen constantly flickers on and off when I move the screen, I am missing multiple tiny screws from the bottom of my laptop of which I have tightened a number of times but they still have fallen out, and my plastic is cracking at my disk drive. The list goes on. I never take it out of the house and I always have it in a case or laying nicely on my desk when not in use. Rubbish!


Same problem (and same hardware/software/whatever- Dell Inspiron, Windows 8) - EXCEPT everything works exactly as described in the tutorials and everywhere else I've searched, BUT I get a message that says "recovery environment cannot be found"- I have the disk with the installation and drivers on it, but it won't clean it first so that doesn't work and when I go to troubleshoot it only provides me with the option of making changes to the startup processes...

I want to recycle it or give it away, but not if I can't reset it first- I'm about to take a mallet to it so if you have any suggestions, PRETTY, PRETTY PLEASE help a girl out!