How to email hotmail?


Nov 5, 2014
This sounds like a dumb question but I got locked out of 3 accounts, my yahoo, steam, and hotmail. My back up email for hotmail is yahoo and vice versa. I contacted yahoo through their ticket system, but they ask to give my alternate email address, which is hotmail. So I ask them to email me at my free email, but it's been about a week and no reply still. So the only way I can get my accounts back is through hotmail, but I just can't find out how to email them. I click "contact us" on their site, and it just brings up a list of articles to help with problems. Im sure someone here must know the hotmail email.
I think you have to click on can't access account, then I know password but can't sign in. Then you type in the email thats been locked out and they send you a reset code to your alternative email. Then I think you do the first step again then it should ask you for the code, copy paste then you should be set. Or you might have to confirm it by a mobile device.

Yes but I never connected my phone, and my alternate email is blocked too.

Do you have an alternative to your alternate?

I mean the email to contact hotmail, and no, I can't get into hotmail.

""my yahoo, steam, and hotmail.""

I have another email, but I never set it up with hotmail/yahoo.
I tried the thing to get the hotmail unlocked by filling out a bunch of info, but I made this email like 6 years ago, and I never use it so I forgot most of the info I need to fill out.

This is why I want to email hotmail. I can prove that it's my account, but I need to talk to a person to do so.

The real issue is I can't get in any of the 3. It all happened at the same time.

uh oh, there's a new alternate email in the account, I lost it, anything I can do from this point? (in yahoo)

Hotmail isn't making this any easier, I try to make a new hotmail account, it tells me before I can sign in, I have to check a verification email, that was sent to the account I'm trying to log in to.....
The guy that hacked in set up a security question, not sure if I can use that to get in

I'll try that, thanks for the help.

Would you think that I could get yahoo customer service to email me at somewhere else other than my alternate email? I went through their ticket thing, told them to email me at my free email, but got no reply. Hopefully they're even allowed to do this.