Solved! How To Fix Boot Loop on Android Tablet?

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Feb 5, 2018
So, I had forgotten the password to my android tablet and reset it using the recovery menu. I booted it up and it asked me for my google account that it was previously set up with. I didn't know it, so I went back into the recovery menu and wiped the cache and booted into bootloader. Well, when I tried to boot into bootloader it sat on the manufacturer boot screen until the tablet died. Ever since then I have not got t to boot at all. Since then Google has recovered my account and I have access to it but it's not really helpful because I only used that account for that tablet. So, is there any way that this could be fixed?
That is really odd. A "Hard Reset" wipes all data. Then sets the device back to its original state, before anything is ever added. Which, if the problem was software related in any way, that would fix. If it is not fixing it, then it may well need to be looked at by either the manufacturer (if under warranty) or a local tech to determine a hardware issue.

I have access to the account. I need help fixing the boot loop.

In the original post I said it is stuck in a boot loop because I reset it and I didn't know the password to the Google account. I have since then reset the password and have been able to access the Google account. Meanwhile the tablet is still stuck in a boot loop. So I can't even access where I type in the Google account, and if i was able to access it i could get into the tablet.
You didn't mention being able to access the account. When you did the reset, if you chose the one that is to try and save personal data, that won't do a full reset, and won't remove problems. The only other option I can suggest is a "Hard Reset", but as with now, you will need the log in data.

I had hard reset it to try and fix the boot loop but it didn't change anything.
That is really odd. A "Hard Reset" wipes all data. Then sets the device back to its original state, before anything is ever added. Which, if the problem was software related in any way, that would fix. If it is not fixing it, then it may well need to be looked at by either the manufacturer (if under warranty) or a local tech to determine a hardware issue.
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