Hi there,
I'm working for a company that is trying to utalise an old mac and pro tools system.
It is a mac g4 with pro tools 5 or 002. it was bought in 2000. the problem is when loading up protools it asks me to make sure the hard ware is plugged in and switched on. i have been told this needs an ilok, however the ilok is broken! they do not know the account info for the ilok on ilok.com and are not even sure if they registered it.
please can you tell me what to i can do to fix this problem. getting any tech support from ilok requires me to sign in which i can't!
i'm desperate to get this up and running!
I'm working for a company that is trying to utalise an old mac and pro tools system.
It is a mac g4 with pro tools 5 or 002. it was bought in 2000. the problem is when loading up protools it asks me to make sure the hard ware is plugged in and switched on. i have been told this needs an ilok, however the ilok is broken! they do not know the account info for the ilok on ilok.com and are not even sure if they registered it.
please can you tell me what to i can do to fix this problem. getting any tech support from ilok requires me to sign in which i can't!
i'm desperate to get this up and running!