Might be done via a push to the client desktops but depends on the software and overall environment.
Depending on your environment you may or may not have remote access to the desktops. If you do not already have access then you will probably need to visit each desktop at least once.
And you may need to install client software on each desktop and have the necessary licensing in place as well.
If your AV software is server based the requirements and procedures should be in the User Guide/Manual or other related documentation.
Might be done via a push to the client desktops but depends on the software and overall environment.
Depending on your environment you may or may not have remote access to the desktops. If you do not already have access then you will probably need to visit each desktop at least once.
And you may need to install client software on each desktop and have the necessary licensing in place as well.
If your AV software is server based the requirements and procedures should be in the User Guide/Manual or other related documentation.
This can be done (and is done) for corporate email systems. If your users are accessing GMail/Hotmail/Yahoo/Yandex directly from their browsers or email clients, you need much more infrastructure (firewalls, rules etc) in place.