The above picture is what I am looking for. (See the device with ??? on it, that's what I'm looking for)
Normally, the HDMI cable will go from the DVR directly to the TV's HDMI, and I will watch TV like a normal person.
I'm looking for a device that I can use as a "middleman" of some sort, that will grab that HDMI signal and record it on either a Hard Drive, or a CD or something. (You know, exactly how a VHS box would record the live TV output from the cable, but this would be in HD)
Yes I know I have a DVR, yes it can record. I want to be able to record the LOCAL NEWS because it only airs ONE TIME and you will never have it rebroadcast again. There's no way I'd be able to watch it later online or ANYWHERE after it is off the air for that day. It's not a series like Game of Thrones. I'll never see that exact broadcast again unless I record it. (No, I'm not going to use my DVR because I have limited space, and I can't record that much news)
There HAS to be a device of some sort that can intercept the singal, and record the picture/sound as I play it through the DVR exactly? LIKE A SCREEN RECORDING, BUT INTERNAL
Please help me out guys. I know nothing about TV stuff