How to view 3D 1080P Hard Disk File


You're not giving a lot of details. You need a 3D monitor or display to watch it on, I assume you have one of those, right? If you're not sure, link me to the monitor you bought and I can tell you if it has 3D capabilities.
i have tv 3D VT 50 +HD7870+CABEL HDMI

The problem file was taken from Blue Ray
player does not recognize any format

i can see 3d from BR disk
but i can't see 3D Transmits from Hard Disk

The issue is probably a missing codec more than it is due to the image being 3D. Out of curiosity what is the file format? Either way, pinpointing what codec you need is a hassle, so I recommend you download VLC. It's a great player and I've come to prefer it over MPC for a number of things, including a greater number of built in codecs.
"2.AMD HD3D is a technology designed to enable stereoscopic 3D support in games, movies and/or photos. Requires 3D stereo drivers, glasses, and display. Not all features may be supported on all components or systems – check with your component or system manufacturer for specific model capabilities and supported technologies. A list of supported stereoscopic 3D hardware is available at"
List of recommended 3D displays:
More about AMD HD3D:
This is also discussed in another post:
Are you using an HDMI 1.4 cable to connect the computer to the TV? From what I have read a HDMI 1.4 compliant cable is required.

His problem isn't his hardware. He's capable of watching the movie in 3D using his bluray drive, but when he takes the file and uses an image writer to put it onto his HDD he's not able to watch anything at all I believe is what he's trying to say. The issue now is probably conversion. When he converts the movie to store on his HDD, it can't be read.

As for HDMI cables, there's no such thing as an HDMI "1.4" cable. That's a hardware specification for the video device, not the cable. HDMI cables only comes in 4 types: Standard, High Speed, Standard w/Ethernet, High Speed w/Ethernet. Standard only has a bandwidth capable of supporting displays up to 1280x720 @ 60 Hz (720p), or 1920x1080 @ 30Hz (1080i). High Speed has the bandwidth capable of supporting 3D, deep color, 1920x1080 @ 60 Hz (1080p), and up to 3840x2160 @ 30 Hz (4K Ultra HD). His cable is high speed because we know he's able to watch the movie on his bluray drive. Again, it's not his hardware that's the issue.

Thank you for the correction regarding HDMI cables and clarifying it is not a hardware issue. I guess I should have been asking what is being used to convert (rip) the Blu-Ray disk and what format it is being converted to.