Solved! HP Infinity Screen??


Mar 9, 2010
I want to know if it's a good idea to upgrade the DV7tqe Screen to the HP BrightView Infinity LED Display??

From what I have read the HP BrightView Infinity LED Display is an extra layer of glass that touchs the buttons. This layer of glass keeps it from scratching but it will use up more battery than the HP BrightView LED Display.

There were a lot of places where people said that it doesn't really do anything and its just a gimmick, so I just wanted to get a second opinion?
There would be some extra scratch resistance (although glass can scratch as well) and also easier to clean. You'd have to find a review site that has actually tested both versions of the screen to know if the brightness claims are true, just an illusion or even just marketing spiel.

The SandyBridge models are out at Walmart online already. Even BestBuy online has them I think.
Well, honestly I don't know, because I read that its just the glass upgrade, and nothing internally.

But supposly it has an increase of brightness or something, but that info is where I got the battery issue, so I am thinking that it is incorrect.

I sent an email to HP, to ask what it really is. I am kinda suprised that HP doesn't have all the info you need on the purchase page. They don't even really specify what it is, I mean if its just a scratch proof layer, then it would be worth the 50$
So then it really wouldn't use up any battery, its an external thing. Well it would be worth it especially if I could turn down the brightness and have it just as bright as a laptop without the Infinity. Not to mention it would be scratch resistant!

Well I went to best buy today, and i tried all the laptops, and I didn't like the DV7's mouse at first and was skeptical but after using it for about 10 minutes, it was actually bearable and thats even without getting all the right drivers and setting it to my liking.
But like always they probably won't carry the Sandy Bridge model until this time next year.
There would be some extra scratch resistance (although glass can scratch as well) and also easier to clean. You'd have to find a review site that has actually tested both versions of the screen to know if the brightness claims are true, just an illusion or even just marketing spiel.

The SandyBridge models are out at Walmart online already. Even BestBuy online has them I think.
Well newegg has a handfull of leveno and toshiba's. But I have been looking at the HP site itself, because I can get my Student discount on their laptops, so the DV7 instead of starting out $999 it would start at $930 and I would get discount on things I buy.
I just checked walmart, and its 1098$ w/blu ray and 1tb hd. It might sound like one hell of a deal, but when you see price with tax and shipping, its actually only $2 cheaper than getting it through HP, but then I am getting student discount, so without it I would definitely go with walmart cause it would be like $70 cheaper!

Anyways, I really liked the DV7 before the Sandy, even though I couldn't stand the mouse at first. I was more into the XPS from Dell, but the only thing in town to use is a inspiron and they weren't as good as I thought. But if the XPS had Sandy I would consider it but, I know the DV7 has a nice feel for me, and I would be risking not liking a laptop, unless I can try it first.
Well it seems the norm, is to get the blu-ray and the 1tb 5400rpm w/bluetooth.
I personally never use blue tooth, which I probably should because on a laptop, I could free up the one USB.

The blu-ray is something I would definitely want to get if I have the cash. THe 1tb HD isn't a bad deal, and a 5400rpm
for 1tb hd's is perfectly good. but if I were to spend any money upgrading the hard drive, I would spend that 50$
on getting a 64gb SSD($100+) for my main drive, and using the stock 640gb(7200) or 750gb(5400) for mass storage!

The deals around the web seem good n all, they just get you when it comes to tax and Utah is just under 7%.

Tomorrow the Fincancial Aid Consul will decide if I get FA, and if I do, then tommorrow they will pay tuition and then send a check. Once they decide, i go to the school sign my paper, and then I will know for sure I am getting the money, so I could purchase tomorrow if I want to let it ride on the card for a couple days!!!
But shipping times seem to be at arrival dates of Jan 20-26th!