Hp steal your property


Mar 18, 2010
I sent my compaq computer in while under warrenty for repair this would be the third occurance since I bought computer new 8 months ago. They then told me they would not repair this due to water damage. Which there was no water damage. I asked them to return my computer so I could just have a local professional repair it and then I would sue Hp for repair costs. They did not return my computer to me. When I called them they told me my computer was in their warehouse for more than 30 days and they have sent it out to recycle so now not only do I not have my computer I do not even have a replacement or a refund. Is this legal?
O_O well.... sux to be you. You may want to consult a lawyer. Before you do that though you should see if you can talk to a manager to try and get this resolved. Write down everything you think is important and save any records you can, shipping records & warranty, so you have a little more than just your word to stand on.
Even if it is illegal (which I don't think it is, it's probably stipulated under some agreement that you can't leave your machine there for too long), you have no case - all you've got is hesaidshesaid (no water damage you say - HP says water damage, no machine to prove otherwise). Perhaps you could sue and get something, depending on how nice your judge is...it's a bit risky. Unless you've got something definitive, that is.
Thanks I have all records including shipping and confirmation of warrenty information. I just feel that this is illegal I know I can sue HP thats the easy part to prove my case just dont think they should get away with this quietly
I guess I generalized way to much lol. LEt me just explain that first of all there is no were in any document or communication stating that they would recycle computer. Second of all they made no contact with me regarding the return of my computer so the time that it was at hp was not due to my negligence. I copied every form I filled out and when speaking to a manager I asked where this is stated or written or printed for the customer to see. It is not printed anywhere where the customer has access. They made no attempt to contact me. They are negligent. People should be aware that Hp is capable of doing this as a cover-up and to keep all their documents. Which is what I have done. I will give an update once I have been to court for the reimbursment of the cost of the computer. They cannot just not return your property and not be liable or offer replacement or refund. This particular Compaq has know issues with its drivers and that was the problem with this one for the third time. I do have a record of everything. Including recorded call to customer service where they stated they recycled the computer and admitted that they do not notify customers of this policy.