I am currently using a galaxy j5, and just got into my architecture course which had me needing to take photos pretty frequently, and my j5's shots are pretty bad in bad lighting conditions, or in direct sunlight.
I'm interested in getting a p9 firstly as an upgrade to my current phone, but as a main camera too. However i have been thinking of getting a similarly priced dslr (excluding extra lenses and additions). It would also be great if one can be recommended to me too.
How much better in image and video taking will the dslr be? is there a noticible difference in quality? (this is not a photography course, i just need a clear image to use in my assignments). Will it be worth getting a dslr over a the p9 which also is an upgrade as a phone for me.
I'm interested in getting a p9 firstly as an upgrade to my current phone, but as a main camera too. However i have been thinking of getting a similarly priced dslr (excluding extra lenses and additions). It would also be great if one can be recommended to me too.
How much better in image and video taking will the dslr be? is there a noticible difference in quality? (this is not a photography course, i just need a clear image to use in my assignments). Will it be worth getting a dslr over a the p9 which also is an upgrade as a phone for me.