human urine on tv


Aug 1, 2013
hello my sony TV Standard CRT - Sony 25"(im not sure if its the exact modell but it looks like it) got urinated by my friend. a lot of urine in the back of the t.v to flow inside .can it be fix?

It's a biohazard, no technician will touch that. Seems to me like your friend has to buy you a new TV.

so there is no chance that it can be fix? do i have to buy a new TV?


Seems like it. CRTs are outdated anyway, if it makes the purchase easier to swallow. Now, may I ask how/why your friend did it?

he is drunk.

It's a biohazard, no technician will touch that. Seems to me like your friend has to buy you a new TV.
Don't hang around with people that get drunk and do stupid things...

But yes, as others have said, you will need a new TV.

You could get a CRT from craigslist for free. Then, if you wanted, you could probably get a really good deal on one for Black Friday or Cyber Monday