Solved! i can see all locked wifi networks around me but the free open network will not show up on my LG phones. it use to on my samsu

Are you sure the networks you are looking for are running at the same hertz as the network your phone is searching for?

If the phone is say only looking for 5GHz network connections, and the free ones your old phone was looking for were 2.4GHz connections. Then that could easily be the issue. Try checking your new phone and make sure it is looking for both types.
Are you sure the networks you are looking for are running at the same hertz as the network your phone is searching for?

If the phone is say only looking for 5GHz network connections, and the free ones your old phone was looking for were 2.4GHz connections. Then that could easily be the issue. Try checking your new phone and make sure it is looking for both types.