I can view pictures on my sd card on the camera but not on the computer what cou

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Jun 4, 2012
I cannot view pictures from my sd card on any computer even when I use a usb cable but the pictures can be viewed on the camera, what could be the problem and what should I do?

1.You're not getting admin privaleges messages, are you?
2. What is your camera model?
3. Can you copy the pictures to your pc?
4. try opening any picture viewer program you have installed, then, navigating to your SD card and viewing the pics - does this work? If not, what message do you get?
I ran into the same problem today! It took me forever to figure it out but it ended up being very simple. I accidentally had the camera mode set to "clipboard" when I was taking the pictures. This saves the pictures to the camera and not the SD card. I had to select each picture individually and save it to the SD card on the camera before transferring the SD card to the computer.


Ok ...here is your answer. You may have deleted the SD cards formatting. I have done this before when I am deleting pictures and a wipe out ever thing to save time ...don't. So to fix put the SD back into the camera and from the Menu options ...select format SD card ...or it might just say format card. Once the card has been reformatted it will work again on your computer. YES you will lose all data on the card when you do this
I had the same problem. Formatting the card is what worked for me. However, I had moved my pictures to the card already and then they were deleted!!! Ouch. Be sure you move your pictures back to your camera before doing the formatting! I'm glad to have figured it out though. Thanks for all the help!

Same camera, same USB cable, when connected to my Window 7 desktop, reads the pictures just fine. The camera shows up as a connected device, but when I click on the directory where the pictures should be, it says "empty", even though the file browser shows 150 Megs of data in use.

I tried this because a friend, who just upgraded to 10 was unable to download from his camera to post pictures for an eBay auction, so I said I would try it and I'm having the same thing. This needs to be fixed right away as it's a deal breaker for a lot of folks.


Same here on windows 7 machines I can view my pictures but on my windows 10 machine it cant see the pics even though its on my camera and I can view

i had the same problem with my Nikon. My solution was to simply buy (my school's creative photography teacher lend me his) a card reader, plus the SD into it (since the problem is accessing the SD from the camera, take out the middle man and add a new one, the card reader), and voila. You will see that this will work (hopefully) because it is the ONLY thing that worked for me. Let me know if this helps

my camera model is namuga 1.3m

That last option worked for me thank you so much


I FOUND THE ANSWER. They're in a different file. I used to click on DCIM which took me to all pics and vids. When I pull out the SD card of my newer camera and put it into my PC I have to click on SDHC, then PRIVATE, then AVCHD, then BDMV, then STREAM and all vids are in there. It's so stupid but at least they're there!

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