I do not think that my Nvidia Graphics card is working.


Sep 1, 2016
My Lenovo z710 ideapad laptop gives me low fps in most of my games even when I choose for them to operate off of the "High performance Nvidia driver" on the nvidia control panel.

I then just to test it, I switched the program to operate off of my integrated Intel graphics card and I had the exact same fps.

My two graphics cards are:

Intel 4600 Graphics


Nvidia GeForce 745M.

I am certain that my nvidia graphics card should run my games at least 10fps faster and I am wondering if there is a way to test if my nvidia driver is not working or how to make it properly operate with my games.

open up gpu-z it will show you which it's running on. check in your bios settings, sometimes the discreet card is turned off in bios. if it's not running on the geforce you should clean install the latest drivers.
open up gpu-z it will show you which it's running on. check in your bios settings, sometimes the discreet card is turned off in bios. if it's not running on the geforce you should clean install the latest drivers.