I have a Geforce 970 and I have 3 monitors on my 3 display ports but I went to put a P series 4k Vizio 50" above them in my hd

Did you maybe mix up the Title and Body sections of that post? I don't think your full thought is in that post. You have 3 monitors and you want to add a 4th that's a UHD 50"? All on a single GeForce GTX 970?
Okay. Let me be more clear. I have three Asus vx238's monitors working fine side by side. I want this TV VIZIO P502ui-B1E 50 To be my fourth "monitor" over top of all these mounted on the wall but I can not even get it to connect to the Vizio tv at all.. All my monitors are running through display ports. I was trying to get the tv to go through the lone hdmi port on the graphics card. (Geforce 970).

Also often when I plug the HDMI plug into the graphics card the other monitors will go black screen.

Any Advice?
I think your bitting more than you can chew... 3 monitors must be tough on it already without a 4k tv hooked to it. The 3.5gb cant do it ppl have trouble gaming at 4k with a single monitor...
Four is kind of tough... can you see all four of them in the nVidia control panel when they are plugged in? I can't imagine that your display card would disable either HDMIs or DPs if the other was in use, but we can check that too. Which card, specifically, are you using?