I have a old red white and yellow cord for my dvd player but I bought a new tv were do the coolers I have go there areally two


May 20, 2017
I have a old red white and yellow cord but my dad bought me a new flats crew tv aND it doesn't have the yellow or white cord holes were do I put them?
If your new TV has a component video input (3 RCA jacks usually red, green, blue) and audio input (2 RCA usually red and white) then check the TV manual. You can often connect the yellow video output to one of these video jacks and the audio ones to the red and white audio.
The TV menu will have a place for you to change the input to composite video.
If you don't do this you will get a black and white picture.
If your new TV has a component video input (3 RCA jacks usually red, green, blue) and audio input (2 RCA usually red and white) then check the TV manual. You can often connect the yellow video output to one of these video jacks and the audio ones to the red and white audio.
The TV menu will have a place for you to change the input to composite video.
If you don't do this you will get a black and white picture.