I have an Asus H54HY laptop the problem is my dc connector has become loose some


Jan 19, 2013
I have an Asus H54HY laptop. The problem is my dc connector has become loose sometimes it is difficult to plugin and sometimes if it is pluged in slightest movement causes it to go to battery even though the dc connector is still inside the Dc power port and its been only 13 months since i bought it. Sometimes when its working correctly the dc connector gets very hot been having this problem for 6 days?
It is fairly common for laptop power connectors to come loose like you are describing. Especially on laptops that are moved frequently when plugged in. If your laptop is in warranty you should go to your vendor or manufacturer and get the warranty process going so they will fix or replace your laptop. If not under warranty your best bet is to take it to a repair shop that is familiar with this repair. If you are good with electronics and soldering you can google to fine a replacement jack and do the repair yourself. Good luck.