I have an Asus u46 that is 3 years old. it will not turn on at all. any ideas on what is wrong

Paul E Brown

Jan 27, 2015
I know very little about computers. It is a u46l I bought in 2011 and will not turn on at all even with the battery taken out and then returned. There was a small flashing light in the battery icon when I turned it off. Now it will do nothing.Any ideas about problem. Many I should this k about a new machine.
good morning paul...with a laptop have someone test the ac brick with a volt meter make sure the output still there and make sure there no broken wires. a lot of people twist the ac bricks wires and snap them under the rubber. also check that the o-ring on the tip of the ac power plug on the brick is still there so the power brick does not short out. also check that the power pin on the back of the laptop is not snapped off the mb. if it not a power issue flip the laptop over with power unplugged and the battery out. check that the ram sticks are seated. if they are then you may be looking at a system board failure. google your laptop model and class action lawsuit. some of the older laptops had bad nvidia video chips and the chips would fail and cause a no post.