I have an HP 15-do37dx it would not factory reset nor will it come on at all past the screen. Cannot use at all now


Sep 28, 2016
I tried to factory reset my laptop like the agent told me to and now it will do nothing I cannot get past the Your Device Couldnt be Factory Reset. It will not go to home screen, Nothing. Please help me I cant do anything with it now. I am furious because the agents keep telling me things to try and I cannot get thru to them that it will not Go To ANY other screen. It will say Do you want to Reset or Shut Down, I choose Reset, Nothing it idles like its thinking, But says again, Device Couldn't be Factory Reset. And Shut down is the only thing it will do. A few people I asked says it is most likely a Hardware Issue which is nothing I can fix myself. Does this sound correct or anyone have any suggestions? Please help I cant afford to go out and get another.
Try going here... https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download .... then click on the version you have. You can't use it to just get any old version. :) You will need to download it and burn it onto a CD or a DVD, or a USB. Then you will be able to install it from there. Do make sure you check it first, after putting the software on the media and before trying to reinstall it on the computer.
Sounds like the necessary files/data was not on the computer to do any kind of full on restore to factory settings.

This means you are going to need a CD/DVD (if you have the drive for it) or a USB drive that has the OS you need on it. It will have to have been burned onto it, not just copied.You will then need to start the computer with the CD/DVD or the USB inserted to get it to restart from there and install the needed files.


Sep 28, 2016

Thank you for your help. When you say the CD/DVD (I do have a drive for one), where can I get this and how do I know what I am looking for? I am sorry but when I go into a place from past experiences, they can tell you arent sure and sell you EVERYTHING you do not really need..... Thank You and I hope you have the answers for me.... Thank You so much...
Try going here... https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download .... then click on the version you have. You can't use it to just get any old version. :) You will need to download it and burn it onto a CD or a DVD, or a USB. Then you will be able to install it from there. Do make sure you check it first, after putting the software on the media and before trying to reinstall it on the computer.