i have broken usb ports on my laptop. what are my backup options?


Jan 13, 2016
My question is...is there a way for me to somehow connect my laptop to my wireless network/router and backup my laptop on to an external hard drive??

Any Help would be greatly appreciated as i have almost 10years of pics vids etc that i do not want to loose..and yes, i know, i should have done the backup a long time ago...just in case.
can also replace the ports with new ones if you are technical enough. have to do that with 1 of the ports on my laptop but first have to make 2 usb 3 port cables for my 2 towers.
yes. connect a drive to your router and it should show up on your network. some routers have a USB port, this is usually the best option. and some external drives have ethernet connections that will also work fine.

another laptop or desktop on the same network and/or homegroup should allow the same type of option.

create a disk image and just send it to the 2nd device via one of those methods.
Just make a writable network share on another PC on the same Network and you should be able to put whatever files you want on it over the network as long as there is enough space on the target drive.

Or just take the laptop drive out and put in a desktop PC as the non boot drive and then copy the files to the PC's hard drive/hard drives.