I need something that is basically a mobile PC...


Apr 24, 2006
Hey all,

Im a verizon customer not under contract. I like verizon a lot and would like to stick with them. I am looking to get a new phone (mines from ~2004)

Also. I NEED something that I can carry with me on the go that I can make reminders with, check email, surf web, google apps, etc. (Basically an iPod touch right?)

So should i get a phone + mobile device OR should i combine it into one Smartphone device? And would that Smartphone device be able to match what the iPod Touch does with Wifi and the net etc.?

Ive never really been in the market of phones or PDAs so im not sure what to expect. From playing with my friend's iTouch I really like that...
Try the Blackberry Storm, HTC Diamond, HTC Touch Pro, they're all superior to the iPod in pure hardware means, main thing is whether their software/app support meets your expectations.

I have an iPod touch, and have used those other phones, each has their benefits.
Try the Blackberry Storm, HTC Diamond, HTC Touch Pro, they're all superior to the iPod in pure hardware means, main thing is whether their software/app support meets your expectations.

I have an iPod touch, and have used those other phones, each has their benefits.
What is everyone's thoughts on these things? I am leaning towards getting an iPod Touch and then just buying a cheap phone that has good phone capabilities.

Is there something out there similar to the iPod Touch as far as ability to surf the net over wifi? Can someone write programs for the iTouch yet (SDK?) And is there a device out there that writing your own programs (like being able to interface with things through usb given developer knows enough about it, connecting to a remote computer and controling it, and small local programs) is doable and easy to implement?

Im a ECE major and I'm basically looking for a really powerful device that I can use on the go. I am not yet experienced with linux but am experienced with C. The Blackberry Storm, HTC Diamond, and HTC Touch Pro seem way to expensive to me? Unless i got some kind of deal through verizon for extending my contract?

So what would be the best non-phone device for me? Anyone have any opinions?
I'm using an Asus P750 and I would really recommend it to anyone. It does have all the features you would ever need (Wifi, GPS, touch screen, WM ...). The only thing is that it has only 64MB RAM, but besides that I can't tell a word on this smartphone.
Never had any problems with the Wifi, the GPS connects extremely fast. Had a little problem with making phone call, but after firmware update it works just great.
I have had the Storm since launch day and I love the phone. It does not, as of yet, have the app support that the iphone does but that is just logical...its brand-new, the iphone is on its 3rd revision now.

As far as ability to be a mobile PC...depends on what you mean by that. If you go strictly by your requirements, i.e. "I NEED something that I can carry with me on the go that I can make reminders with, check email, surf web, google apps, etc." then the ol' Storm handles that with aplomb. It does NOT have wifi but the 3g speeds are fast enough. If you want a true mobile PC you will need something that runs CE but there are plenty of nightmares that come with that OS...

They just did a firmware revision for the Storm that fixed a lot of bugs and issues from the original firmware. It does come with the 1GB internal memory and the 8GB memory card so you can upgrade if you need to. I have seen spare batteries on the 'egg for ~$25 and those two things alone make it worth my time. It's not perfect but it's still a great phone...
If i were you i would go for a windows mobile enabled device! HTC do quite alot of phones from their top range for example HTC Touch but they are also alotof cheaper ones. Windows Mobile is the most compatible it runs pretty much anything you can think of!! Windows mible version ofcourse. I use a very very old HTC Wizard and i thas office outlook i play games such as cod 2 on it , i can compose i surf the net with wifi and gprs , i have opera on it , i.e i can do pretty much about anything you can think of! I have google maps i can go street view latitude (which i think is pretty cool ) but yeah you can do just about anything!! There are ven programs like skype for pocket pc's They are pretty much what they are called PC that fit in your pocket!!! My phone only runs at 180 mgz procesor but i can still surf and do everything pretty smoothly and fast!. With the newer phones it will be even faster.

A windows mobile phone is a million times better than the ipod touch !!! The only thing is probably the looks!! No-one can deny that the ipod touch does look extemely nice!!!
Well actually the screen on the Storm looks much better than the touch and iPhone, the colour is Awesome !! And the addition of the App Store.... err..... App World it's added alot of functionality.

There's a few other nice new toys nowadays, my current pocket friend is the new Palm Pro which is a nice like Win Mob device. Just wish we got the HTC Touch HD, but at this time I'd wait for the summer launches, when this thread started it was at the beginnning of the new toys, they've come down in price but those on the Horizon are much sweeter with 1GHz Quallacomm procs in them. Finally the power to make an Android phone useful.