I want to learn how to repair LCD Televisions.



It seems to me that the LCD tv's of today have got to be a whole lot easier to repair than those old tube tv's of yesteryear.So can you help me get going in the right direction I know thatlots of people are purchasing the broken Lcd"s on EBAY and getting a rather nice financial gain from it. I would like to learn how to repair them so maybe I can pass my good fortune on to those less fortunate I know with the economy like it is today those folks that went to WAL-MART last year and spent their tax return on that 26in ir 42 in tv that they always wanted and a few months later it is in the spare room because a control board has burnt out or some simple 40 or 50 dollar repair is keeping them from enjoying their investment,Plus I just want to learn how to repair the darn things there are way too many of them being tossed out due to minor problems.So can you help me out or do you have someone you can suggest I talk to? thanks wade johnson eastman georgia
It seems to me that the LCD tv's of today have got to be a whole lot easier to repair than those old tube tv's of yesteryear.So can you help me get going in the right direction I know thatlots of people are purchasing the broken Lcd"s on EBAY and getting a rather nice financial gain from it. I would like to learn how to repair them so maybe I can pass my good fortune on to those less fortunate I know with the economy like it is today those folks that went to WAL-MART last year and spent their tax return on that 26in ir 42 in tv that they always wanted and a few months later it is in the spare room because a control board has burnt out or some simple 40 or 50 dollar repair is keeping them from enjoying their investment,Plus I just want to learn how to repair the darn things there are way too many of them being tossed out due to minor problems.So can you help me out or do you have someone you can suggest I talk to? thanks wade johnson eastman georgia

You can find the information you are looking for here: :wahoo: :wahoo:
Easily and Quickly Repair LCD Televisions