E expertart Estimable Aug 27, 2014 1 0 4,510 Oct 27, 2015 #1 I want to unlock Huwaei E303D s-1 model with custom firmware.plz share ur ideas.
getochkn Splendid Moderator Jul 2, 2006 1,621 0 21,960 Oct 27, 2015 #2 There is lots and lots and lots and lots of links on how to do this if you just google it if you are talking about unlocking it to accept another SIM unless you have a 86 series IMEI in case there is no solution. Upvote 0 Downvote
There is lots and lots and lots and lots of links on how to do this if you just google it if you are talking about unlocking it to accept another SIM unless you have a 86 series IMEI in case there is no solution.