I've got a friend that wishes to purchase a laptop for college that's both portable and can play some recent games, like Bioshock Infinite, on relatively decent settings.
We've already found this Asus http/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834230597 which is both relatively powerful and fits the budget constraints of around 1k.
Although, I believe there may be a better laptop for budget, though I'm not entirely sure what laptop could fit the criteria of being relatively light, inexpensive, and powerful enough to play games.
We've already found this Asus http/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834230597 which is both relatively powerful and fits the budget constraints of around 1k.
Although, I believe there may be a better laptop for budget, though I'm not entirely sure what laptop could fit the criteria of being relatively light, inexpensive, and powerful enough to play games.