Solved! If i format the PC what happen to emails of the Outlook 2016?

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Jan 3, 2014
If i format the PC what happen to emails of the Outlook 2016? I know i could save the folder where the emails are but if i dont save and install a fresh outlook on other computer and sign in the emails dont appear? I get a outlook empty? Thanks
it depends where your emails are stored, if you are using exchange then they'll be on the servers, gmail & outlook on the servers, cheap ass pop3 then you may have set them to download and they'll be just on your PC. It has nothing to do with 'outlook being from the last century'
Otlook looks like from the past century no? I use thunderbird and when i login on other computer my show all my emails, its like i dont cgange comouter and i dont need to do anythink...
it depends where your emails are stored, if you are using exchange then they'll be on the servers, gmail & outlook on the servers, cheap ass pop3 then you may have set them to download and they'll be just on your PC. It has nothing to do with 'outlook being from the last century'
I still dont undetstand, if i have outlook configured to store my emails in the pc and dont save the folder and format my pc and then go to my email by browser i have all my emails there right?
It's not an outlook setting, it's a setting of your email provider, you need to find out from them if emails are brought down from the server, or just copied from the server. If copied then they'll all be copied again when you connect to their service. You WILL need your email settings, you password etc. You may be able to export these settings, but be sure to have then noted down somewhere.
I think i getted, if i configure my account in outlook with imap protocol the emails will not be stored in the pc and i dont need to save any folder every time i need to format the pc...
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