iMac Retina 5K Display Hands-on: Jaw-Dropping Screen

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When Apple actually invents something, Instead or relabeling and repackaging everyone else's technology let me know.
This is just Apple relabeling some one else's technology. And paying millions for it to be their exclusive tech for a short time.

well let's say they did not invented anything...

Luckily for us ibm invented the personal computer, in its size and function
Windows implemented the first graphical interface in a personal computer
Acer invented the first all in one monitor
Samsung uintroduced the first touch phone
Creative introduced the first music download suite
Google invented the first mobile os with apps and App Store
Lenovo introduced a workstation of under 30 cm
Samsung pioneered the touch Id in a mobile phone
Dell introduced the first all-in-one 5k display with all the known specs

and of course
after reading it at school
you invented Einstein's relativity

between a Gran Turismo game and a Call of Duty Warfare
The display _is_ jawdroppingly great. No two ways about it.
There's only one other 5K (not 4K) display coming to market, end of year, by Dell, estimated at $2500 just for the display.
As for 4K displays on the market below $2K, even below $1K for smallish TVs, go look at them, plug a computer into any of them -- they're lined up at CostCo -- look at the display, they're junk. Great for a cheap TV, but not as a computer monitor. The Vizio at 70 inch 4K is about $2500 and it's great, as a TV, but not as a monitor, just a TV.
As for the rest of the computer, it's an Apple branded ultraslim all-in-one (or really just a "one in one" if you ask me ... it's a computer superglued onto the back of a monitor with low energy components and peripherals) and this is where Apple really shines up the fruit ... engineering and design. You can homebrew more compute grunt, but you can't barebones this level of design and quality, and for $2500 or really quite a few dollars more once you plunk 4GB video and at least 16GB memory, it's still decent value.
Just be sure to pay the $169 applecare because surely something can go wrong with all that hardware using convection cooling.
I've worked in professional imaging space and there are monitors in pro space that have existed for many many MANY years with unheard of resolutions that no one else knew about. This monitor is nothing new by any means.
"lol apple products are shit. nothing about them is cool. they are over glorified PC. they run on the same hardware X86 hardware that PCs have for the past 33 years. Mac OSX is a joke. its not secure and people are good at wasting money on apple products"

Why do people like you insist on shooting your mouth off?
With all due respect, who needs a 5K resolution screen? Seriously, 1080p will do me even on a 22-inch screen, until the integrated graphics processors have evolved enough to push say...... Arkham Origins at 4K at more than 1FPS.
Yes,except a 'pro' is more likely to use a separate 4k IPS display with better color quality, and have their preview window on *just* that display. Especially if w doing real 'pro' work, its going to be something like a calibrated 30-bit display, not a TFT display.
this is good hardware, but the bit about teraplops makes it blatantly clear that the writer has absolutely no idea what hes talking about. yes, its beefy hardware, but it has to be, theres no fucking way youll drive 5k on a fucking intel IGP even if your only task for it is word processing.
Some people prefer Macs! Get along with it.

I am a bit exhausted by noticing that many non-Mac users complain in this post about hardware issues ( often with no competence whatsoever, or judging a products as if it is another kind of product, or requesting impossible specs and so on, all without even seeing it for real).
It is clear ( from the ones that even complain about os software, that still, inarguably, is the less-buggy os, less virus-prone, faster to boot,more responsive and with the most advanced graphical interface and best resolution compatibility ) that 90% of non OS X users never even had a Mac for more than three minutes, or maybe at all.

Instead, almost all the Mac users had a windows, me included, even for a very long time before switching os, therefore when they, we, compare hardware and software they, we, are very rarely bullshit prone.

You can say you don't need 5k, but have you ever thought, before commenting and giving us free bullshits about games or using just 600x480px just fine or using advanced non existent resolutions since maybe ten years and so on, that maybe this is a product with a different target?

That maybe apple makes products and the fact that it doesn't build every single chip and every single component, panel included, doesn't make the products less new or apple less-innovative... and who does every chip after all? And by the way does not producing a panel or a chip mean that apple isn't the owner of the technologies used in it? As every companies does just the same?

And finally, the imac, is still by far the best and highest performer between the all-in-ones (and the first too), and adding a new, resolution it just makes it better.

I am perfectly fine with everyone using windows, I too do it seldom, for work and with many complaints.

You just have to do the same and understand, that everyone has his or her knowledge ( that can be even greater than your ) and his or her priorities ( that can be very different too). Therefore let's stop hating each other and get along with the fact that anybody has his preferences and that everything is just fine. Let's stop writing bullshit complaints cause you just make the impression of an ignorant person, and you can have maybe one clap or two from ignorant people like you, but ignorance is a very big guilt these days.


there would be a tiny problem with the scotch bezels but nowadays they make wonderfull transparent skotch!

Imagine you tile togheter 4 imac then you have a 52" 10k display, finally attaching those displays to a nasa supercomputer you could predict correctly the future and actually see it at full resolution!

The Programma 101 was the first commercial "desktop personal computer", produced by the Italian company Olivetti and invented by the Italian engineer Pier Giorgio Perotto, inventor of the magnetic card system. The project started in 1962. It was launched at the 1964 New York World's Fair, and volume production began in 1965, the computer retailing for $3,200. Before the Programma 101, computers were as large as trucks and used only by trained specialists, but Programma 101 was the size of a typewriter and accessible to all.

The GUI, Xerox, need I say more?

The all-in-one form factor was popular during the early 1980s for computers intended for professional use such as the Kaypro II, Osborne 1, TRS-80 Model II and Compaq Portable. Many manufacturers of home computers like Commodore and Atari included the computer's motherboard into the same enclosure as the keyboard; these systems were most often connected to a television set for display. Apple has manufactured several popular examples of all-in-one computers, such as the original Macintosh of the mid-1980s and the iMac of the late 1990s and 2000s. By the early 2000s, many all-in-one designs were using flat panel displays, and by late 2012 some all-in-one models also included touchscreen displays to accommodate Windows 8.

The first touch phone, if I recall correctly, was a Nokia.

I'm pretty sure iTunes wasn't the first of it's kind

And the rest really wasn't too innovative.

9 Tiled FHD displays = 1000, the computer behind the iMac (the top model at 4.5K, that may actually drive the display at any frame rate) = 1000.

Apple will sell you 4 for 10000, which will buy you this
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor ($329.98 @ SuperBiiz)
CPU Cooler: Noctua NH-U14S 55.0 CFM CPU Cooler ($69.99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: ASRock H97M PRO4 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($81.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($288.00 @ Newegg)
Storage: Samsung 850 Pro Series 1TB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($599.00 @ Amazon)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 3TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($102.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 3TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($102.99 @ Amazon)
Video Card: Gigabyte Radeon R9 290 4GB WINDFORCE Video Card ($254.99 @ NCIX US)
Case: BitFenix Phenom M Nvidia Edition: White MicroATX Mini Tower Case ($49.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: Antec TruePower Classic 750W 80+ Gold Certified ATX Power Supply ($60.00 @ Newegg)
Other: 36* ASUS VN248H-P Super Narrow Bezel Black 23.8" 5ms (GTG) HDMI Widescreen LED Backlight LCD Monitor IPS 80,000,000:1 Built-in Speakers ($6752.88)
Other: 36* Rosewill RMS-MA3210 Silver 17"-37" Tilt/Swivel Wall mount ($1151.28)
Other: Elementary/Ubuntu, Darwin and Wine enabled ($0.00)
Total: $9844.07
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-10-30 03:53 EDT-0400

Programma 101 was italian but was a proto mini personal computer ( without a screen ) more an advanced calculator, although very original and innovative it was far from being the first personal computer but still was the basis of all of them: i am italian and i know.... you see

well first personal computers started like game-consoles, apple 1 was surely the most popular and innovative of the first personal computers not intended mainly for gaming (different hardware and so on...)

If you read carefully i talked about GUI adoption, cause Lisa, if i recall correctly that's the first mac had a gui, was the first personal computer with a gui, of course engineered above the bought xerox research gui that was never commercialized. and after, just after windows came, borrowing same lisa ideas thanks to the work they did with office for mac os.

Good luck with using a touch nokia! They had not even comparable technologies, not a fully formed mobile os ( but ruined java applications ) and so on... honestly, not in the same category, not even an idea of the origin of this same category.

Itunes... had some suite before it and there were many media manager, but not even something comparable to the integration of all the functions you have with it since its start.

innovation: that's the question
You see: you miss the total point
Apple, like all the compared ones, is a product company not a research lab.
So we are not talking about innovating a technology but innovating a product ( that is made by many technologies, that can be innovative or not each one ) so u see: innovating a product and make the whole integration to sell it to the customers, that's what is really innovative in this field

This is not rocket science, well even rocket science is not about single innovation but integration of many technologies in an innovative whole... so for a better comparison this is not lab research.

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