Internal LCD not working - Toshiba C650D

May 27, 2018
Hi everyone! I have an issue with my Toshiba C650D in that the internal LCD, it stays black all the time, it's not detected in Device manager (I can check by using an external screen), there's no backlight problem. I changed both the screen and the display cable, but nothing fixes it. Moreover I can say that current is going from the laptop into the screen (the screen heats up around the display cable (screen side). What could be the problem, how to solve this ?
Thank you in advance.

Hum I see I'll check it out later tonight. So I should look for a fried little component soldered on the board ? Maybe I should upload pics see if you can pinpoint it's location ...

Here is a picture showing the CN3000 connector (upper-left side); I'm not seeing coil L3001 though...

I don't see the L3001 coil on the reverse (see pic)... I've looked for a burnt coil anyway but I'm not even sure I could recognize a slightly burnt coil :chaudar:
I'm sorry to pick this up only now but I've been really busy with school lately; when you say "check the voltages", do you mean the whole motherboard as a unit ? like do you want me to check voltage thru the power pin connector ?