Is it even possible? (Home streaming - D-LINK 868L + Smart TV + HDD, computer off)


Sep 10, 2015

I just purchased a D-Link AC1750 (DIR-868L), to go with a MacBook and a Smart TV (KDL-48W600B).

The router has an USB port, which I intend to use for connecting a hard-drive containing films and music. I'd like to use this setup as a local film library, one I can move films to from my laptop, over wifi, and then stream to my smart TV from the router - with the laptop off. Is this possible?

Basically, I think, and bare with me please as I'm no expert; a NAT with streaming capability straight to TV from the router/NAT itself. Can it be done with what I have?

If not, what do I need in terms of hardware or software?

Many thanks in advance for any potential solution.

Thanks a lot for your response, aa, it's greatly appreciated.

The hardrive I have is a 2.5" portable 500GB, nothing fancy. Can I simply connect it to the router's USB port and use it at a NAS? So after that, I just use the TV's OS to find the films and play them wirelessly?

Hi, I don't know if you still need an answer to this. But to answer your question "YES". it would work.
That kind of router has something call SharePort Feature. You can even access your files even you're away from home. You can check this following link for the setup steps.

Configure Shareport in DIR series routers:

Access the USB media that is connected to the router(Local):

Shareport Mobile App: