Question Is it really necessary to use HTTPS Everywhere?

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Jul 5, 2019
I knew about HTTPS Everywhere for a long time now, and I know that is apparently it makes websites use HTTPS instead of HTTP, assuming HTTPS is available and that the website directs to regular HTTP by default. However, people can still get baited by this extention, as someone could be entering their personal information on a "HTTP" website, and think, "oh, I have HTTPS Everywhere, there is nothing to worry about" , but the website DOESN'T HAVE an HTTPS alternative, in which the extention is doing nothing, and the user is entering their information on a HTTP website. Should I really use this extention? What benefit does it offer besides forcing an HTTPS connection when available? It's not like I enter any information on HTTP websites anyway, so why does it matter?
HTTPS does not automatically mean a site is secure. See here for more info:

That's exactly what I'm saying. The website may not have a HTTPS certificate, thus, making the HTTPS Everywhere worthless on that website. Even if the site does have HTTPS, that only means it's secure for transmitting data, not that the actual site may be secure.

This brings up my question, would I even need this extention? What real benefit does it offer having it if all it does is sometimes make the website use an HTTPS connection?
Still, when HTTPS is set up properly/legitimately, it does afford protection for users. Practicing good cyber hygiene (knowing what sites you use and if they are legit) is just as, if not more so, important.

I typically don't go on websites I'm mostly unfamiliar with. What type of protection does HTTPS Everywhere provide? Can you give me an instance where this extention offers a benefit versus not having the extention to begin with?
Interesting. This makes me wonder, how legitimate is this extention? I'm not saying it's some kind of sketchy scheme, but when I go to a non-HTTPS website, the extention blocks it (assuming I have that setting enabled), and has a button on the bottom that says "Open Insecure Page". INsecure page? Are they serious? I mean, for an extention that's supposed to be popular and handy, they don't know grammar? Don't they mean UNsecure? There's a big difference regarding computer security. They don't know this? I'm not saying this extention is bad because of a minor spelling error, but that really questions the legitimacy of it, doesn't it?

Anyway, that's besides the point. The point is I don't see a situation where this extention is directly useful. If it's an extention that doesn't hurt and only provides benefits despite how minor or even pointless they may be, I don't see anything wrong with it. It's one of those "privacy/security" extentions that's meant to be useful and is recomended by almost everybody, but I don't see THAT much benefit from it. That's why I started this forum post.
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Https is important because if you don;t use it google shows unsecured connection or site not safe. One can always use an antivirus which can prompt up if a site is deemed risky, hence no need to check https every time.
Interesting. This makes me wonder, how legitimate is this extention? I'm not saying it's some kind of sketchy scheme, but when I go to a non-HTTPS website, the extention blocks it (assuming I have that setting enabled), and has a button on the bottom that says "Open Insecure Page". INsecure page? Are they serious? I mean, for an extention that's supposed to be popular and handy, they don't know grammar? Don't they mean UNsecure? There's a big difference regarding computer security. They don't know this? I'm not saying this extention is bad because of a minor spelling error, but that really questions the legitimacy of it, doesn't it?

Anyway, that's besides the point. The point is I don't see a situation where this extention is directly useful. If it's an extention that doesn't hurt and only provides benefits despite how minor or even pointless they may be, I don't see anything wrong with it. It's one of those "privacy/security" extentions that's meant to be useful and is recomended by almost everybody, but I don't see THAT much benefit from it. That's why I started this forum post.
It can help some, but less so others. Personally, I prefer to use the filtering mechanism between my ears for such things.
I knew about HTTPS Everywhere for a long time now, and I know that is apparently it makes websites use HTTPS instead of HTTP, assuming HTTPS is available and that the website directs to regular HTTP by default. However, people can still get baited by this extention, as someone could be Nox Vidmate VLC entering their personal information on a "HTTP" website, and think, "oh, I have HTTPS Everywhere, there is nothing to worry about" , but the website DOESN'T HAVE an HTTPS alternative, in which the extention is doing nothing, and the user is entering their information on a HTTP website. Should I really use this extention? What benefit does it offer besides forcing an HTTPS connection when available? It's not like I enter any information on HTTP websites anyway, so why does it matter?

you don;t use it google shows unsecured connection or site not safe.
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