Solved! Is there a program that will show you your computer's display's sRGB and Adobe RGB information?

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Oct 6, 2017
Hi everyone.

Is there a program that will show you what your computer's display's sRGB and Adobe RGB information is?

If one exists, would someone please tell me what it's called?

Thank you.
There is only what the manufacturer states in the product specifications and that which you need a physical tool that you place on the monitor that then uses a sensor to read the color information off of it.

Depending on your make/model of display, there might already be such information that has been gathered and posted online somewhere from a review site. Your color accuracy may not be identical to whatever is posted from a reviewer, but it usually is within margin of error by a point or two.
However, when it comes to color accuracy and the range of colors a display can produce, you must also fine tune the display's colors and temps in it's settings to get optimal accuracy and doing this without the tool I stated above is pretty...
There is only what the manufacturer states in the product specifications and that which you need a physical tool that you place on the monitor that then uses a sensor to read the color information off of it.

Depending on your make/model of display, there might already be such information that has been gathered and posted online somewhere from a review site. Your color accuracy may not be identical to whatever is posted from a reviewer, but it usually is within margin of error by a point or two.
However, when it comes to color accuracy and the range of colors a display can produce, you must also fine tune the display's colors and temps in it's settings to get optimal accuracy and doing this without the tool I stated above is pretty much impossible so you will have to go with whatever they say it get's out of the box for calibration.
You need to find reviews of your laptop to see how color accurate the laptop screen actually is. Sure you can look at the laptop's specs (assuming such information is provided, but those are just specs and not "real life" accuracy.

You need a device called a colorimeter to properly calibrate your laptop's screen. Be aware that a colorimeter can only improve color accuracy so much. A screen that has not been designed with color accuracy in mind, will very likely still have poor color accuracy after it is calibrate. Below is an example of a colorimeter.

True calibration is a PITA.

I had 2 very nice HP IPS panels. Matched set, almost sequential serial numbers.
I do a lot of photography, and trying to get them "the same" go.
Even using a hueyPro colorimeter, they were always just a teeny bit different.

That Spyder is on my short list for a new one.
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