Is this backlight bleed acceptable?


Sep 13, 2016
Hello folks, I just got a new laptop today with a 4k monitor and the backlight bleed seems a bit excessive to me. I'm coming from a macbook pro which had virtually no bleed, so this seemed a bit jarring to me.

Do you mean the off-white patch just off from the bottom left? That does look a bit excessive to me!
yeah bottom left is the most noticeable in person. It's also across most of the right side. It's really hard to actually capture what it looks like through a camera phone, but there isn't supposed to be any off white/yellowish in the wallpaper.
I've seen worse - I once saw an Alba 40" TV that looked like it had two huge white spotlights at the bottom when the screen was dark!

You mean like this?

This is what it looks like when I have an all black image on the screen:
I'd return it to the manufacturer and explain that the backlight bleed is too excessive - email the photos to them too.

Agreed. I'd do the same. Way too bad to be acceptable. Especially as this is probably a relatively expensive laptop (4k display for starters).

thanks for the advice. I got off the phone with tech support and they are sending me a shipping label to send it back for repairs

Hope they fix you up quickly.

May I ask the brand and model of the laptop?

Sager NP8153S.

I'm actually very impressed with their customer service. I emailed my sales guy after 5PM and he got back to me within 30 minutes and forwarded my email with the pictures to tech support and told me to call them. I call and got through immediately and the tech support guy quickly found the email from the sales rep. I didn't have to explain anything and they offered to fix it. I've never had such a quick and smooth tech support experience.

Thanks! Good to know that they don't jerk customers around.

P.S. Looks like one sweet machine!