Is this chip going to end my notebook?

Nov 1, 2018
My Sony Vaio VPGEG have this component close to the battery contacs on the motherboard that seems to be on the brink of eruption and obliterate the Java islands and beyond. The Krakatoa in question is named D3801 and the note ALSO have the LCD panel broken - no backlight, one can see the activity normally when put some strong light on the screen or use normally by attaching an external monitor either by VGA or HDMI connector.

I wonder is it worth to replace the monitor just to have the D3801 burning and ending my machine forever or it is an isolate problem that only affect the charging and then I could use the new screen just have to plug every time?

That would work for me, have a good screen but no battery charging. Having the battery but no screen or worse, having to buy another motherboard after the screen on the other hand, I'll pass.

Picture of the volcano:

Thanks in advance for any help in this.