ive been trying to get my mic to work for 2 hours on windows 10....updated drivers...set as default...not muted...when i do a

Not sure how deep into things you have gotten...

What make and model mic are you using? USB, 1/8" (3.5 mm) connector plug?

Does the mic work on other computers? Do other mics work on your computer? See if problem follows the mic or stays with the computer. Be sure that the microphone is in the correct port: e.g., sound card versus motherboard.

Have you right-clicked the speaker icon (lower right screen corner) and selected "Recording devices"?

There are a number of configuration settings available with any given recording device: you need to work through the various windows, tabs, and properties associated with any given recording device.

Explore the settings first, then make a change (one at time) that seems viable. Keep notes on what you do and where you did it should a reversile be necessary.

3.5 mm jack .....yes ive clicked on the recording device...shows my mic...when I plug it in it flashes full green indicator when I speak into it shows only very small area of green. Ive tried to do every thing ive found on google etc about how to fix this but nothing has worked. At first it didn't show the mic at all on recording devices then I updated driver made default restarted computer ..which worked as far as getting the mic to show up now if I can just figure out how to get ppl to hear me on it :) I'm not to sure about knowing if mic is in the correct port eg...sound card versus motherboard how do u know which one it it...im not at all tech savvy just know the basics. Thank you for replying
Were you able to test the microphone on another computer? Need to verify that the microphone does indeed fully work.

Take another look at the Recording devices Window with the General, Listen, Levels, and Advanced tabs. Experiment a bit more with the various property settings available. Check the Configure button as well.

What applications/games will be using the microphone? Could be that one or the other is pre-empting the microphone's use.
ive looked up about enhancements levels etc mic works fine on sons laptop. Ive tried the boost. Ive uninstalled reinstalled. one thing ive noticed I cant find the realtek audio manager anywhere on computer so went to realtek and downloaded latest drivers ... still cant find it. I think its some setting I'm doing wrong with realtek or having Intel display audio and realtek. I can do the basic troubleshooting but when it comes to motherboard on board sound cards etc I'm lost
Apologies: Have been "off line" for awhile.

Do you have a monitor with speakers or some sound bar? Just saw a new monitor (with speakers) "hijack" the sound/audio away from the RealTek installed: e.i., look for some other device causing mischief.....