

Mar 6, 2009
hi there, new to programming and would like some help.
using bluej as the application , Im trying to program using java, however I keep getting a red exclamation point on the left side of the box, and it say this class can not be currently parsed, and hence no out put. help! i inputting incorrectly the data? or am i missing something?

tyvm in advance
Chances are there is a bug in your code (assuming the box is the code you are trying to run) and thus blueJ cannot compile it.

I'm not sure if this is still the case, but when i was learning to program in blueJ (long ago) i would have to compile in manually from somewhere in the IDE (some compile button in the program), at which point it would either compile it or show you where any errors are. You could do this to try and figure out whats wrong.

I had to use blueJ once for an intro to coding class in college, and it is a horride IDE. If you have the option to, try using something like eclipse instead. It has a higher learning curb but you will be much better off using it.

Good luck. If you continue having problems you can always post back here with specific details.
hi there, thanks for the reply Kyeana.Id like to share with you what ive computed copying from the text. the following

public class TempCconvertor

computes the Fahrenheit equivalent of a specific Celsius value using formula F=(9/5)C+32.

public static void main (String[] args)
final int BASE = 32;

final double Conversion-Factor= 9.0 / 5.0;

double Fahrenheit TEMP;
int celsiusTemp=24; // value to convert

Fahrenheit TEMP = celciusTemp * CONVERSIONS_FACTOR + BASE;

System.out.println ("Celcius Temperature: " + celcius Temp);
System.out.println ("Fahrenheit Equivalent: " + fahrenheit Temp);

if you can see anything i might be doing incorrectly, or feedback be greatly appreciated.....i dont like the frustration of not knowing what to do..and this like yours is an intro to programming as well. thanks
Is this a direct copy of what you are trying to compile? It is missing lots of java syntax, such as curly braces, '//' for comments, and variables names (specifically, there should never be any spaces in variable names, for example your Fahrenheit TEMP should look like fahrenheitTemp).

Here is what a very basic java program looks like. Use this to try and figure how your code should look.

public class SampleCode()
	public static void main(String[] args)
		// Declaration example
		String helloWorld = "Hello World!"; 

		// This is an example of a comment. The code bellow prints
		// "The helloWorld string says Hello World!" to the console.
		System.out.println("The helloWorld string says " + helloWorld);

Good luck!


Hi Keana, thats exactly what/were my problem lies. Im very green to this, want to learn this, stuff. Are you willing/able to tudor me through this. Id sure appreciate the help been a first year(mature student). thank you very much in advance.