JBL Flip 4 issues

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Apr 26, 2018
Hi all,

Recently, I bought a Flip 4 speaker and was really happy with the sound, but now, I'm picking up issues and it is really becoming annoying.

1. I've paired my phone and my laptop with the speaker, and at random times (for instance when I'm making a phonecall), the Flip 4 thinks its a wise idea to connect to the phone and broadcast the call all over the living room. At least I think it's the Flip 4 doing it, as I'm having the problem with different devices and different OSes. Is there a solution to this, other than unpairing the speaker again, and having to pair and unpair it every time I want to listen to music?

2. Speaking of "listening to music": It seems like this speaker randomly cuts itself off when it considers the signal mute. This must be a joke, because the threshold is much too high. At night, for instance, I simply cannot listen to classical music (or anything that has a wider range of low key passages and some crescendos), because at the volume I'd like to listen to it, half of it simply goes missing, and when I raise the overall volume, the louder parts would make the neigbors fall out of bed. (Note that I'm having this problem when I connect the speaker via cable - not sure if this makes any difference.)

I've also downloaded the JBL Music app which supposedly has some configuratin options, but it actually doesn't.

Is there any way these annoying issues can be fixed? Thanks in advance for helping me out!
If you have android you can go to settings, bluetooth, click the settings icon in the flip4 pairing, and switch off 'Call Audio'
Apr 26, 2018
Thank you - works like a charm!

As for windows, according to my research, it's impossible. (Seems like until recently, there wasn't even a button to manually disconnect.)

One more question to go: Who has experience with the automatic muting of lower volume music by the JBL Flip 4? It seems unbelievable that a speaker this popular has such a severe bug, so hopefully there's a solution to this (or maybe, my speaker is simply broken).
Jul 11, 2018

I wish I had the definitive answer. Yours is not broken, it's just a bad feature from JBL. It's supposed to save energy when there is some noise in the sound by turning off the speakers completely. The issue with it is that it triggers too fast. It should trigger around 1min and not 3 seconds.

I have read relates that if you activate the "low frequency mode", That actually just turn off the internal sound processor, it goes away. But you will have a lifeless flat sound unless you preequalize it before it leaves the device you're using
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