Killian! You're Killin me!


Dec 31, 2007
Couple of weeks ago, casually glancing behind me I see a certain Killian2 and he's some 340 work units back. Hummm, I don't remember him... better bring the big P4 back on line this week... Yup, and see where we sit next week.

I couldn't believe my eyes... only 270 behind this last weekend! ... must have been imagining things... coulda' SWORN that was 340 last week! (shaking head)

Check tonight and you're only 218 behind. A quick search of the posts, I see you admit to being an even worse addict than I am! 9 processors was it? 10 or 11 by now I assume?

I think my 7th place on the THG team is in SERIOUS jeopardy!

700 Mflops in SETI!
Yeah, according to my records, he's ripping of wu/s at a rate of just about 32 per day. You're at 9.52, I'm at 8...

Some day I'll be rich and famous for inventing a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.
Yeah, he blew by me like I was using a 286 processor UNDERCLOCKED!! Using a program called SETI Team, it shows a prediction of somewhere between the 11th and 12th of Nov, he will take position 7. He still has a long way to go to reach #1 but at the rate he's turning in WU's, it is feasible to see Killian sitting at the top.

Rich is turning them in at 31-32 a day also, so any bets on when who will become the #1 spot holder?

<i><font color=blue>It takes 10 'Attaboys' to make up for 1 'Awww...crap!'</font color=blue></i>
If they keep going like they are, rich will hold it. Even if you give killian the benefit of the doubt and say he's pulling one full unit per day more than him, he's still got ~ 10000 units to go, meaning 10000 days, meaning 27.4 years, by which SETI will be long done, and we'll all be using our bajillihertz uberchips.

Some day I'll be rich and famous for inventing a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.
Hi Scout. Yes I'm a bit of an addict with the number of machines I have running. I only have a total of 8 right now because I just sold my Duron. I'm actually down to 7 working machines right now because Saturday night a transformer blew right by my house and took out two of my machines. Just got one of them back up and running Monday night. Need a new power supply for the other one. Think I'll go get that today.

About reaching the #1 spot I didn't think I'd ever get there. He is kicking out a lot of WU/day also and it would take for ever to catch him. Now if I could have brought my 7298 wu from my other account over when I joined the team I might have had a chance. Stupid seti passwords and changing E-mail address. I figured I'd get into 4th place and then stay there forever.

What is this I hear of Seti being "done" soon? I know they are switching from the Acreibo telescope to the new array back east. But are they not going to continue Seti@home to process the information they obtain? Thanks.
Yeah, they'll be switching over to the new array, and we'll process that data, but with tech advancements and what not, it won't last forever. The sensitivity of the telescopes is limited too, so it's not like they're actually scanning the entire universe.

After SETI is finished, they'll just switch it over to a new DC science effort. It's on their main page somewhere I think.

Some day I'll be rich and famous for inventing a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.
<A HREF="" target="_new">SETI future</A>

Some day I'll be rich and famous for inventing a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.
Hi Killian,
Now that's some SERIOUS computing... blowing transformers! You say that took out a couple of your power supplies? Bummer!

I actually have five machines plus a laptop personally, but only two running SETI 24/7 in my garage, an Athlon XP1500+ overclocked to 1.4 GHz. on an MSI KT7 Turbo2 board using SDRAM, and a P4 1.6a Northwood on an SiS motherboard clocked to 2.2 GHz. My "regular" machine upstairs is an nForce with an XP1700+ and that runs SETI too when I have it on. My "spare" computers are an XP1800+ on an A7M-266 board and a Duron 1.3 on an A7V133 board.

I have the UD cancer program loaded on the XP1800+ so that's what it's doing when I have it hooked up in place of my P4. I run WindowsME, Windows200 Pro, and WindowsXP Pro on the machines.

I'm gettin' itchy to build something new, but there's not that much new and different lately (my opinion). I'm thinking about maybe a dual processor rig (Athlon of course) but those boards are expensive and don't have some of the newer features (serial ATA, USB 2.0, firewire) so... I donno what I'm gonna do next.

700 Mflops in SETI!
Silverpig, thanks for that link. I'd been looking for that information.

Scout, it wasn't me! I swear I didn't cause the transfomer to blow. I just didn't answer the door when the power company showed up. lol. But seriously, when the transformer blew it took out one of my power supplies and it just screwed up the other mahcine. It only wanted to run at 100 FSB but got it back up to 133. Replaced the blown power supply today so that machine is up and running again. Thats a nice set up of computers you have there. You could pump out a lot of wus if you were running 24/7 on all. I don't know if you read my other post on what I have but here they are:
XP2100+ Shuttle AK31A mobo
XP1900+ Gigabyte GA-7VTXE+ mobo
2-XP1600+ Shuttle AK31A mobos
2-Tbird 1.4Ghz ECS K7S5A & Shuttle AK31A mobos
PIII 866Mhz
PIII 600Mhz laptop.
All running Windows2000 Pro except the PIII866 is running NT 4.0 and all except the PIII's are DDR of course.

I think once the Seti program ends I'll switch over to the UD cancer program. THG has a team for that too right? No reason to waste all the computing power. And believe me I know what you mean by gettin' itchy to build a new machine. I've been wanting to build another machine for a few months. But I don't really need one and as you said there isn't anything really new out there. Guess I'll wait for the Barton or Clawhammer.
So where do you run all those machines? My wife would have a cow If I hooked up any more machines!... Actually, in addition to my six, the wife and my three boys all have machines running at my house. I keep telling the wife it's the hot tub that runs up the power bill (heh heh..)

Lets see now... maybe if I loaded up SETI on everybody's machine... I could stay in front of that Killian guy! Wonder if the wife would notice the little dish at the bottom of the screen.... ;-)

700 Mflops in SETI!
Well in my game room down stairs I have my server that all my machines connect through to my cable modem and the XP2100+ that I use and play games on and 1 of the Xp1600+ that my friend plays Counter Strike on when he comes over. In the room next door which is also the work out room I have four machines on a table connected with a KVM switch so I don't have to have 4 monitors, keyboards, and mice. Then up stairs is the laptop that my wife uses. She doesn't really care what I do. She's cool like that. And boy do I know about the power bill. It is like $20-30 higher per month with all the machines running.

I actually just did the math and if Richard who is in 1st place and I kept kicking out wus at the same rate we have been it would have taken me 4.4 years to catch him. Thats a long time.

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by killian2 on 11/01/02 02:42 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
I get 10.92 years...

Since Oct 23rd you've averaged 33.21 wu/day and he has averaged 30.37 wu/day. That's a difference of 2.84 wu/day.

Right now he has 15187 units done, and you have 3857. That's a difference of 11330 units. 11330 units / 2.84 wu/day = 3989.44 days, or ~ 10.92 years.

Some day I'll be rich and famous for inventing a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.
I was actually looking at our work units completed since Aug. 19th. At that point he had completed 12787 and I had done 957. He is now at 15209 and I'm at 3879. He has completed 2422 and I have completed 2922 since that date. Divide those totals by the 73 days that have passed and you get 33.17 and 40.02 wu/day respectively. A difference of 6.85 wu/day. His lead of 11330/6.84wu/day is 1654 days or 4.53 years. Numbers are slightly different since I did the math last night, but I think the averages over the longer time period are a little more accurate.

I need to go over to his house and unplug him for a few months! lol
Alrighty... basically we're both saying that it ain't gonna happen then :smile:

Some day I'll be rich and famous for inventing a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.
Unless we hack the berkley server and do some ...ahem...creative wu processing... 😉

Is there a synonym for thesaurus?
Or you could hack the Pixar render farm and install SETI on that... :smile:

Some day I'll be rich and famous for inventing a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.